Scrum Manager


Scrum Manager shares an open knowledge model, developed by managers, for managers with a vision of flexible agility, based on values and principles. Scrum Manager shows the agility that is not learned by following agile frameworks or procedural guides, but by breaking them.

CYBG Management Consulting is an accredited training provider of Scrum Manager and is authorized to deliver the following accredited training programs:

  • Core training course for the Scrum Master certification (16 hours).
  • Scrum Level certification course (8 hours).
  • Product Owner certification course (16 hours).



Information about Scrum Manager’s courses

Accredited certification courses are available in the following formats: onsite, on-demand, and virtual with an instructor. For more information on upcoming courses, we invite you to visit the upcoming events section. For more information about on-demand courses please visit the CTAS portal. If you require further information, write us an email at


Information about Scrum Manager’s exams

You can purchase an exam voucher for the Scrum Master’s certification directly through the CTAS portal. It is not required that you take an accredited certification course but it is recommended. The exam is available in Spanish and English.