International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM)


The International Institute of Legal Project Management is a worldwide organization of legal project management and legal process improvement experts focused on improving legal matter planning and delivery, and efficiencies in legal operations.

The Institute provides research, publish global practice guides and frameworks, develop workplace tools and deliver practical education that leads to internationally-recognised qualifications and global certifications.

CYBG Management Consulting is an accredited training provider of the International Institute of Legal Project Management and is authorized to deliver the following accredited training programs:

  • Applied Legal Project Management (14 hours) (fulfills the educational requirement of the Legal Project Associate™ certification).
  • Advanced Legal Project Management (21 hours) (fulfills the educational requirement of the Legal Project Practitioner™ certification).



The International Institute of Legal Project Management’s Qualifications


The International Institute of Legal Project Management provide educational programs that align to the achievement of three different global certification and an international qualification:

The Legal Project Associate™ (LPA) certification recognises a person with introductory knowledge about Legal Project Management and has the ability to either support legal matters or work in the legal matter project team (i.e., a legal project team member – not the legal project manager).


Legal Project Practitioner™ (LPP) certification recognizes a person with practitioner-level knowledge about Legal Project Management and has the ability to lead legal matters as a legal project manager. This is the premier global certification for a practicing legal project manager.


Legal Process Improvement Professional™ (LPIP) certification recognizes a person with Legal Design and Process Improvement knowledge and expertise. Certified personnel facilitate the capture, design, and redevelopment of both legal practice processes and legal matter processes. It is designed for those involved in improving the business of law.



Information about Accredited Courses


Accredited certification courses are available in the following formats: onsite, on-demand, and virtual with an instructor. For more information on upcoming courses (virtual with an instructor), we invite you to visit the upcoming events section. For more information about on-demand courses please visit the CTAS portal. If you require further information, write us an email at